Saturday 11 March 2017

People news from both sides of the pond

We are delighted to announce the birth, on Monday, of Seth Wills, a healthy 8 lb 12 oz (3.97 kg) boy, to MEI's Jon and his partner Dr. Kathryn Hadler. Seth's sister, Josephine, who was 4-years old on Thursday, is naturally delighted! Many congratulations from me, Barbara, and Amanda and family.
Fifteen miles from Jon's family home in St. Agnes is the small village of Mabe, just 2 miles outside Falmouth, and home to MEI's Amanda and family. Each year Amanda displays her thespian talents in the Mabe Village pantomine (oh yes she does!) and last night Barbara and I were in the audience for The Pied Piper of Primelin (Primelin is the French village twinned with Mabe), where Amanda took on two parts, and her boys were two of many 'knicker stealing rats'.
Although not exactly of Stratford standard, what made it so enjoyable was the sheer enjoyment on the faces of all the players.
Amanda as barmaid Ann-Yu and French visitor Jeanne
And finally news of people from across the Atlantic. The SME Scotch Night Cap is an annual fundraising event providing scholarship money to new students. At this year's Scotch Night Cap, which took place during the SME Meeting in Denver, the traditional Scotch tasting was supplemented by live music and the first performance of the group Bass Metals, formed entirely of mineral processors.

The band was formed following a late night jam session at last year's IMPC in Quebec City, where Dave Meadows, formerly with FLSmidth, now with Bechtel Mining and Metals, USA, played with Quebec Blues Guitarist Mike De Way in one of the old town Irish bars. Dave met up with Joe Mercuri from the global technology and product development company CiDRA and they initiated the band aptly named Bass Metals. Joining Bass Metals in Denver were John Marsden of Metallurgium, Nick Hazen of Hazen Research Inc and Nayitha Advincula formerly of FLSmidth, Joe Mercuri fronting the stage with his powerful full on rock singing. It was apparently a great event with excellent ticket sales and we look forward to seeing Bass Metals at next year's SME conference in Minneapolis.
Dave Meadows, Nayitha Advincula, Joe Mercuri and Nick Hazen

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