Sunday 12 July 2009

Face from the past- Paul Piercy

I was Googling a few names from the past today, and came across Paul Piercy, managing director of Silkridge Consulting in Australia.

I met Paul on my first day as a mineral processor, in Chingola back in 1969. I have described the meeting in the book that I am currently writing, on my 40 years in the minerals industry:

My fellow metallurgists, Vic Bryant, Tony Watts, Mick Boylett and Dave Spencer seemed a very friendly bunch and were making me welcome, when suddenly there was a hush, and a giant figure framed the doorway. This was Paul Piercy, the concentrator superintendent, who introduced himself and then asked, in a broad Australian accent “Is that your white sports car outside?”. I replied that it was, thinking how nice of him to ask, and remembering the smiling superintendent in the London film. “Well move the f****** thing, you are in my space!”. My career in the minerals industry had begun!

I have to say that after that brief encounter, we did get on very well!

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