Friday, 7 March 2025

Memories of Pyromet '05 and Biohydromet '05

Twenty years ago this month, MEI held two small conferences back-to-back at the Mount Nelson Hotel in Cape Town.

Pyromet '05, a 2-day conference, was the 2nd conference on pyrometallurgy, and was attended by around 50 delegates. Selected papers from the conference were published in Minerals Engineering, Volume 19 Number 3. A few photos from the meeting are shown below:

Following Pyromet '05 was the 3-day Bio and Hydrometallurgy '05 which included a conference dinner at the Groot Constantia wine estate and a challenging hike to the top of Table Mountain. Papers from the conference were published in Volume 18 Numbers 13-14 of Minerals Engineering. Photos from the meeting are shown below:

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