Monday, 16 December 2024

Flotation '25: Call for abstracts

"I would encourage all those young and not so young mineral processors with a passion for bubbles to put their fingers to the keyboard and write an abstract for Flotation 2025 in Cape Town. This conference is renowned for bringing academics and industry together to discuss the science of mineral froth flotation- an event not to be missed!" says Dr. Chris Greet, Global Mineral Processing Specialist at Magotteaux, Principal Consultant at Mineralis Consultants and Adjunct Associate Research Professor at University of South Australia.

There is now a call for abstracts for Flotation '25, MEI's 12th international flotation conference. Abstracts must be submitted via the website by May 31st 2025. All presenters will be invited to submit papers for peer-review after the conference. These will be refereed, and, if accepted, published immediately in the first available regular issue of Minerals Engineering, and included in the Virtual Special Issue of the conference on ScienceDirect

The technical programme will include oral and poster presentations, and three high profile keynote lectures, from Chris Greet, of Magotteaux, Australia, Charlotte Gibson, of Queen's University, Canada, and Jim Finch, Emeritus Professor at McGill University, Canada.

We are also pleased to announce that the conference dinner will be at the elegant Simon's Restaurant at the Groot Constantia Wine Estate.

Recent conference dinner at Simon's Restaurant, Groot Constantia

There are more photos and details on the posting of 29th April. Since that posting all 23 exhibition booths in the coffee and lunch area have been sold, but there are seven 2m x 1m booths available for rental outside the main conference room.

We look forward to seeing you next year at Cape Town's beautiful Vineyard Hotel.

See reports on Flotation '23

Some memories of Flotation '23


1 comment:

  1. This is an amazing conference. It is the Perfect venue to discuss new developments, explore options and get to know new professionals.
    Marco Vera, Manager Recovery Innovation Process Technologies, Australia (via LinkedIn)


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