Friday 22 September 2023

A sea of new faces at the September Mining Sundowner

There was a record attendance at last night's Cornish Mining Sundowner at Falmouth's Chain Locker.

It started off fairly normally, with a few new faces and it was particularly good to welcome Laura Tyler (left on photo below), Chief Technical Officer at BHP, Adelaide, who was on a brief visit to Cornwall. 

Laura was guest speaker at the CSM Association Annual Dinner in March, and what an inspirational speech it was, urging the young people in the audience to follow their dreams and to grasp any opportunities that arrive. Laura left Camborne School of Mines in 1991 with an MSc in mining engineering, so it was great to see the numbers boosted last night by a mass entry of new CSM MSc students who began their courses this week. These are the future of our industry so I hope we will be seeing many of them at the sundowners over the coming months.

The next sundowner, at the Chain Locker, will be on Thursday October 19th from 5.30pm.



  1. I really enjoyed the Sundowner last night and it was wonderful to meet the new cohort of MSc students. Sadly that will be the last Sundowner I will be able to attend this year, as I am returning to Oz in a couple of weeks time. I will be at the CSMWA Sundowner in Perth on 13th Oct. Thanks for all the good work and organisation Barry, some great photos too!

    1. I'm guessing this is Linda? Great to have seen you over the summer- have a great trip back. Notice you managed to get on all the photos!


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