Thursday, 25 March 2021

Two new editors and a new editorial structure for Minerals Engineering

It is my great pleasure to introduce two new members to the Minerals Engineering editorial team and a streamlining of the editorial structure, which will improve performance and speed of reviewing, which has been hampered somewhat during the chaos of the pandemic.

Dr. Anna Kaksonen has over 20 years’ experience in various aspects of biomining, from bio-oxidising and bioleaching low-grade ores to treating waste streams and recovering resources. In 2009 Anna joined Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia as a Team Leader of Environmental and Industrial Biotechnology. Since 2017 she had led CSIRO’s Industrial Biotechnology Group which has three teams located in Perth, Canberra and Brisbane. Anna is a keynote speaker at MEI's Biomining '21 conference in June.

Prof. Zhiyong Gao received his Ph.D in Minerals Processing Engineering from Central South University (CSU), China in 2013, and now is professor and vice dean in the School of Minerals Processing and Bioengineering at CSU. Zhiyong’s research interests embrace mineral crystal chemistry, flotation reagent design, grinding media technology, wastewater treatment and waste utilisation. He has received numerous awards and honors including the MEI Young Person’s Award, the China-Australia Young Scientist Exchange Award, and the Young Elite Scientists Award by the China Association for Science and Technology.

Anna and Zhiyong join our established editors. Drs. Pablo Brito-Parada and Kristian Waters, and our recently appointed editor, Dr. Ahmad Deniz Bas, who was promoted to editor in February, after serving as an assistant editor since 2017.

The new Minerals Engineering editorial team

The new structure obviates the need for assistant editors, and I would like to thank Martin Rudolph, Anita Parbakhar-Fox, Erin Bobicki, Grant Ballantyne and Zoltan Javor, our former assistant editors, who now join the Editorial Board of the journal.



  1. Barry,I liked the words you used "new editorial structure"--  shows moving with a new vision to meet the challenges of the future--fine particle processing, bioengineering to recover all values, particularly trace elements, find use for what we call "rejects/waste" , environmental focus, and understanding  "present manner," the science and engineering related to earth sciences to effectively Edit-
    Our Journal is already on the top both in quality and speed--I am sure this New Team will take our professional knowledge to new heights.I wish all members you mentioned the best--may they set new directions and benchmarks for the future.
    Now let me ask an honest question because I am behind times. Can you briefly write a couple of  sentences on the roles of Editors/ and Editorial Board--
    Let me compliment you for your passion for the minerals engineering profession

    1. Thanks TC. Will get back to you on your query sometime- very busy with our 3 forthcoming online conferences at the moment

  2. A great team Barry!
    Jacques Eksteen, Chief Operating Officer at Future Battery Industries Cooperative Research Centre, Australia

    1. Thanks Jacques. I really look forward to working with them

  3. It was an honor for me to having served as an assistant editor for our precious flagship journal and I wish my editor colleagues and friends all the best and always good luck with great contributions and many available reviewers.
    Martin Rudolph, Helmholtz-Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Germany

    1. Thanks Martin, and congratulations on your promotion to the Editorial Board

  4. All the very best Dr. Barry. Great Editorial Team with new dimensions 
    Best regards
    Nikhil Dhawan
    IIT-Roorkee, India

  5. Dear Barry,

    The editorial team should do something about long review process. A journal with an impact factor of 3.5-4 should not spend >2 months review for a manuscript.

    1. I agree Mahmut, and I apologise to you and any others who have experienced problems recently. We hope that the new editorial structure will help streamline the reviewing process.


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