Thursday 24 September 2020

Eriez Flotation: the latest sponsor of Flotation '21

We are pleased to welcome back Eriez Flotation as a sponsor of next year's Flotation '21 in Cape Town. The company was a sponsor of last year's Flotation '19, also in Cape Town.

Eriez Flotation at Flotation '19

Eriez Flotation combines the minerals processing expertise of Eriez and its subsidiary, Canadian Process Technologies (CPT) and provides advanced engineering, metallurgical testing and innovative flotation technology for the mining and minerals processing industries. 

The Eriez Flotation product line encompasses flotation cells, gas spargers, mini-pilot plants, slurry distributors and flotation test equipment. The company has designed, supplied and commissioned more than 900 column flotation systems worldwide for cleaning, roughing and scavenging applications in metallic and non-metallic processing operations.  It is also well known for its StackCell® - a small stackable mechanical cell offering reduced mixing in the cell and shorter residence times, and HydroFloat®, which significantly increases recovery of coarse particles (up to 6 mm) by forming a hindered “teeter” bed of fluidized solids into which small air bubbles are introduced.

Thanks for your support, Eriez Flotation, and to all the other companies who are sponsoring next year's event.

Updates can be found at #Flotation21.

1 comment:

  1. Let me also add my compliments to Eriez Flotation and others for coming forward.
    I have long association with Richards and also with Eriez, India. The M.D. of Eriez in India happens to be a very a good friend of mine. He is supportive and associates himself with technical events related to mineral processing in India.
    All the best Barry.


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