Wednesday 18 July 2018

Cornish company Holman-Wilfley is the first major sponsor for Physical Separation '19

We welcome back Physical Separation ‘17 sponsor Holman-Wilfley Ltd,  continuing their long-standing relationship with MEI by sponsoring next year's Physical Separation ‘19 in Falmouth.
Since Physical Separation 17 the company has been busy shipping its Laboratory 800 tables to nearly 50 universities and mining companies, with the industrial 7000 Wilfley machines going in to several large recycling projects in Scandinavia and southern Europe. The industrial sized Holman tables have had further units installed to upgrade capacity at Drakelands tungsten-tin mine in Devon and Holman 8000 tables have also being shipped to various mines around the world, including the expanding tungsten operations in Spain, and projects from Australia to Vietnam.
7000 Wilfley installation in Sweden
Holman 8000 installation in Spain
Managing Director Chris Bailey tells me that the company has planning consent to expand its Redruth facilities, and this will include creation of a purpose built in-house testing facility which will shortly be under construction. "We look forward to catching up with the various customers and our friends and discovering what developments in the science of physical separation has occurred in the last two years" says Chris.
As a major sponsor, Holman-Wilfley joins our industry advocate CEEC, and media partner International Mining in a now very dynamic mining atmosphere in Cornwall.

Updates on the conference can be found at #PhysicalSeparation19.
Twitter @barrywills

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