Friday, 29 April 2011

MEI's Royal Wedding Day

Well, we waited until Thursday, but still no invitations in the mail, so we decided to celebrate the great day in our separate ways.

Barbara met up with friends, but why they had to have new dresses and hats to watch the event on TV is beyond me.

Amanda and friends had a wedding barbecue at her home in the small village of Mabe just outside Falmouth.

Kathryn among the crowds at Trafalgar Square
Jon and girlfriend Kathryn tried to get through to the Mall but the crowds were so immense that they settled for a side-street pub, where they watched TV with a pint. They then returned to Kathryn's flat for a good view of the Battle of Britain squadron fly-past.

I was left to man the MEI office, but watched the morning's events on TV.

We all wish Prince William and his bride Catherine well. Despite what the grey, dreary Republicans say, the monarchy is a major part of our rich heritage and lends a splash of colour to Britain and a cynical world.

So how did you spend the day? It would be particularly interesting to have the views of our friends from overseas.

1 comment:

  1. I watcehd every minute of it on TV. It was amazing, and made me proud to be a 'Brit'.

    And you are dead right about Republicans!!

    Linda Shearing, Perth, Australia


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