Wednesday 24 June 2009

Nchanga Metallurgists, early 1970s

I am currently writing up notes on my early days as a metallurgist on the Nchanga Concentrator, Zambia, and wonder if anyone can provide me with information on the whereabouts of my fellow mets at that time. In this photo I am pictured with Tony Watts (centre) and Mick Boylett (right). Does anyone know what became of them, and also Dave Spencer, Pete Deverill, John Duckworth, Roger Kelly, Roger Thomas, Michael Moats, Paul Piercy and Mike Horridge(?)?
Any information would be gratefully received. Photos particularly welcome.


  1. Roger Kelly is living and occasionally working in Santiago Chile.

    1. Unfortunately Roger Kelly died a few years ago, as did Roger Thomas. I met them and got to know them in recent years, and caught up with Dave Spencer and Paul Piercy at conferences

  2. Mick Boylett moved to Johaneesburg the last time I contacted him was in 2006. He was a consulting metallurgist to MDM Ferroman

  3. Thanks Steady. It would be good to know what he is doing now


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