Friday 21 June 2024

June Cornish Mining Sundowner with the CSM class of '74

Despite a clash with the England v Denmark Euro '24 football match there was a good turnout last night at Falmouth's Chain Locker for the Cornish Mining Sundowner. It was a warm evening, very much like at the sundowner in Cape Town last week and a good opportunity to donate some of the MEI caps left over from Physical Separation '24 and Mill Circuits '24.

The numbers were swelled by the attendance of quite a few of the Camborne School of Mines graduates of 1974, who were celebrating their 50th anniversary this week, some travelling from Canada, the USA and South Africa for the reunion. There were some familiar faces but as I began my 22 years at CSM in 1974, I missed them as graduates as they were then undertaking their first jobs as mining engineers, mainly in southern Africa,

It was good to be back at the sundowner and the next one will be at the Chain Locker on Thursday 18th July from 5.30pm.

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