Monday 17 June 2024

Memories of Reagents '04, Falmouth

Reagents '04 began 20 years ago yesterday at the Falmouth Beach Hotel, which was sadly destroyed by fire eight years later. Sponsored by Akzo Nobel and Cytec this first MEI reagents conference was attended by 50 delegates from 22 countries.

The Akzo Nobel booth
The Cytec booth

As with all MEI Conferences, an important part of the event was the social programme. On the first night, the formal Gala Dinner was preceded by a brisk cliff walk showing some of Falmouth's coastal scenery. On the second night delegates were taken on a tour of the historic Basset Mines, part of the heritage trail centred on the Great Flat Lode area of Camborne-Redruth, one of the world's most mined areas, mainly for copper and tin.

I am sure there are many familiar faces in the photos below, taken during the cliff walk, gala dinner and the mine tour.


  1. MEI Conferences are still the best way to get together with people in mineral processing. MEI Team is very professional, competent and young at heart.
    I have very good memories from MEI events I attended trough the years; since 1994 - Reagents in Mineral Processing.
    Moreover, Cornwall - UK is such an amazing place among others where conferences were carried out.
    Keep doing this relevant job !
    Mauricio Torem, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (via LinkedIn)

  2. We have lots of great memories of you too and we miss seeing you and Ana,


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