Sunday 9 June 2024

Winter in Cape Town

Cape Town and Cornwall have much in common (posting of 30 November 2012), including the capricious weather. Winter in Cape Town is very much like summer in Cornwall and when I left Falmouth on Thursday, bound for Heathrow, it was a sunny morning with a temperature of 16C. I arrived in Cape Town on Friday morning, with a welcoming 16C and sunshine!  And the view from the plane as we approached the airport was as awe-inspiring as ever.

On Friday night I ate alone at the Vineyard Hotel's excellent The Square restaurant and my quest for a poor South African steak remains unabated. It was superb as usual, as was the Lion Hound Shiraz from Ridgeback in Paarl, which I highly recommend to next week's Physical Separation '24 and Mill Circuits '24 delegates.

I awoke Saturday morning to another wonderful view of the mountain, this time from the lower perspective of the Vineyard Gardens.

Amanda and Jon arrived mid-day Saturday in time for lunch in the sunshine on the Vineyard terrace, and then we spent the evening at the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront, for a fine meal at the Harbour House restaurant.

We are now looking forward to welcoming the first of the Physical Separation '24 delegates this evening. It's going to be a great week in Cape Town and it is not too late to register for Physical Separation '24 and Mill Circuits '24. You can even turn up and register on the door!

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